This is the blog of the Communities and Insitutions for Flood Resilience project. On this blog your will find updates from the PhD and MSc students involved in the project.
Project summary
As full flood protection is neither sustainable nor possible it is crucial to reduce the impact of floods on people and economies in both poor and rich countries through the development of appropriate strategies to reduce flood exposure and vulnerability. This NWO/WOTRO IP funded research programme will assess and compare the strategies and policies of governments, professionals and communities to reduce flood risk and vulnerability in the Bangladeshi and Dutch Deltas, to contribute to poverty reduction through the strengthening of institutional and community capacities to manage moderate floods and increase resilience to extreme floods. The research will examine how different communities develop, adopt, implement and modify flood risk management policies in the two deltas, and will enhance mutual learning between Bangladesh and the Netherlands. This will yield new frameworks and tools that will give insights into levels of vulnerability and resilience to flooding and how to reduce flood risk-exposure.
Underlying the research is a practical interest to explore a range of “no-regret” responses to managing flood risk in urban and rural contexts that increase flexibility, adaptability and sustainability and contribute to poverty reduction. The research will focus on different types of floods, namely river floods, rainfall floods, floods caused by cyclonic storm surges and flooding of agricultural land due to drainage congestion (slow flooding). In Bangladesh two areas have been chosen for research after stakeholder consultations: Dhaka City for research on urban flooding resilience and the Southwest Delta for research on rural flooding resilience.
funded by:
Institute for Water and Flood Managment, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
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